Your cost after incentives:
Remaining Months
Current Mileage
Magalie Roy
Monthly Payment, before taxes |
$2,307.49 |
Monthly Payment, incl. taxes |
$2,653.04 |
Total Mileage Allowance |
999999 |
Remaining Mileage |
962999 |
Original Lease Term (Months) |
36 |
Lease expiry date |
Jun 18 2026 |
Purchase Option at end of lease |
$69,000.00 |
Original Down Payment |
$5,000.00 |
The details and information about this listing was provided by a third party and may change at any time. LeaseSniper will not be held liable for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the information contained therein.
All Wheel Drive
Luxury Car
2021 BMW M5 Competition
37,000 KM
L’intérieur est brun Aragorn et non orange
PPF sur le devant, miroir et bas de caisse.
Ultimate package
Intake aventurie carbonne valeur de 4000$
Titanium exhaust BMW
Cover moteur en carbonne
Toit en carbonne
Garentie 2ans bmw et entretien inclus aussi
Fermeture douce des portes
Clef intelligent tactile
Système de son prenium
Système de conduite avancer
Cruise contrôle
Pilot automatique
Siège Massant, chauffant et ventiler
Etc etc etc
Mileage Illimité (responsable du buyback)
Il reste 27 mois au bail avec une options de rachat à $69,000 dans 27 mois
Client demande 15,000$ cash pour reprendre le lease
Contactez le propriétaire directement au: 581-398-1823 (Magalie) ou à travers notre site internet.
Your cost after incentives:
Remaining Months
Current Mileage
Magalie Roy
Monthly Payment, before taxes |
$2,307.49 |
Monthly Payment, incl. taxes |
$2,653.04 |
Total Mileage Allowance |
999999 |
Remaining Mileage |
962999 |
Original Lease Term (Months) |
36 |
Lease expiry date |
Jun 18 2026 |
Purchase Option at end of lease |
$69,000.00 |
Original Down Payment |
$5,000.00 |
The details and information about this listing was provided by a third party and may change at any time. LeaseSniper will not be held liable for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the information contained therein.